Protocols ========= Currently two protocols are being focused on. Diaspora is considered to be stable with most of the protocol implemented. ActivityPub support should be considered as alpha - all the basic things work but there are likely to be a lot of compatibility issues with other ActivityPub implementations. For example implementations in real life projects check :ref:`example-projects`. .. _diaspora: Diaspora -------- This library only supports the `current renewed version `_ of the protocol. Compatibility for the legacy version was dropped in version 0.18.0. The feature set supported is the following: * Webfinger, hCard and other discovery documents * NodeInfo 1.0 documents * Social-Relay documents * Magic envelopes, signatures and other transport method related necessities * Entities as follows: * Comment * Like * Photo * Profile * Retraction * StatusMessage * Contact * Reshare .. _activitypub: ActivityPub ----------- Features currently supported: * Webfinger * Objects and activities as follows: * Actor (Person outbound, Person, Organization, Service inbound) * Note, Article and Page (Create, Delete, Update) * These become a ``Post`` or ``Comment`` depending on ``inReplyTo``. * Attachment images from the above objects * Follow, Accept Follow, Undo Follow * Announce Namespace ......... All payloads over ActivityPub sent can be identified with by checking ``@context`` which will include the ``pyfed:`` namespace. Content media type .................. The following keys will be set on the entity based on the ``source`` property existing: * if the object has an ``object.source`` property: * ``_media_type`` will be the source media type * ``_rendered_content`` will be the object ``content`` * ``raw_content`` will be the source ``content`` * if the object has no ``object.source`` property: * ``_media_type`` will be ``text/html`` * ``_rendered_content`` will be the object ``content`` * ``raw_content`` will object ``content`` run through a HTML2Markdown renderer For outbound entities, ``raw_content`` is expected to be in ``text/markdown``, specifically CommonMark. When sending payloads, ``raw_content`` will be rendered via the ``commonmark`` library into ``object.content``. The original ``raw_content`` will be added to the ``object.source`` property. Images ...... Any images referenced in the ``raw_content`` of outbound entities will be extracted into ``object.attachment`` objects, for receivers that don't support inline images. These attachments will have a ``pyfed:inlineImage`` property set to ``true`` to indicate the image has been extrated from the content. Receivers should ignore the inline image attachments if they support showing ```` HTML tags or the markdown content in ``object.source``. For inbound entities we do this automatically by not including received attachments in the entity ``_children`` attribute.